Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gear Review Opportunity Winner

The Hardcore Hunter Cleaning System by Otis Technology

A few of my “blogging buddies” had spoken well of a site called the Outdoor Blogger Network and when I first hit the site, it was apparent who would be the next member.  It basically is a blog that generates a unique voice in the outdoors world simply because it’s of, for, and by outdoor enthusiasts.  It offers fun opportunities to share stories, submit photos, toss ideas in a forum, and throw your hat into the ring for chances to review gear.  The gear consists of items provided by established companies that ask you to try the equipment & offer your two cents on how well or poorly it performed.  Needless to say, it’s a fun site and it has generated far more visits to my site from all over than I could ever attempt to garner alone.

So far I’ve commented on how my blog got it’s name which has resulted in several explanations concerning how the furthermost county in the United States is called “downeast”, shared a link about how I do my best blogging (in the field, not often but sometimes), and most recently- I just had my number drawn to test a product.  The Hardcore Hunter Cleaning System seems to be the right fit for me simply because I put my firearms through a barrage of elements ranging from salt water on the Atlantic, snow from the tree stand, and spruce needles when trudging through the forest. 

For the most part, I’ve been very religious about my firearms and have used a variety of means to maintain the devices of pursuit.  This particular model seems quite interesting as it’s designed to go with you in all of your adventures.  Since my life is an adventure, this product seems fitting to adjoin me in the chase.  Stay tuned for an upcoming gear review.

Trey Luckie
On a side note, the other winner was a man who has been quite active on the DEDH blog for some time now.  Trey Luckie of Brave Eagles Hunt with Antique Brownings! was choice number two and I look forward to how his gear review stacks up against mine.  He is a class act guy and puts up a nice blog with a variety of life's happenings.  

Have a great day,



  1. Thanks for the shout out bud, but I try not to think of myself as choice number two. I like to think of myself as 1st man to finish 2nd! :) Who an I kidding? I'm just glad I get the cool stuff!

    Man that was a nice fish I have there!!!

  2. Even though I was picked first, it would be fair to say since there were two of the same prizes that we both won.


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