Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bloggers I would want to meet...

Rebecca over at the Outdoor Blogger Network posted this week a writing opportunity asking members to consider who in the wide world of the internet would you want to meet.  For the sake of writing this, I'm going to steal the questions from the post and aptly drop them just one line below (look down).

So this weeks open ended question, if you had a chance to meet some Outdoor Bloggers you’ve come across online, who would it be? Who would you like to fish with, hike with, camp with, hunt with, toss back a beverage with?

The Maine Outdoorsman
Now it's no secret that my hunting partner, The Rabid Outdoorsman, and I spend hours in the field chasing wild game and figuring out this thing called life.  But for the sake of this blog entry, he's null and void.  And if anybody wants to meet him, beware for he is a master of pious fiction and unnecessary floggings at my expense.

So here's my top list and please don't be upset if you didn't make my list for I hold no ill feelings about not being on yours.

Terry at WHJ
#1- Terry at Women's Hunting Journal
Terry has been a steadfast online friend ever since I created the first attempt at the Downeast Duck Hunter.  We've shared stories, e-mails, and even tried to set up a sea duck hunt.  Things fell through this past November, however her invite is always open.  She is a class act, dedicated to quality writing, and a true internet friend. 

Trey Luckie

#2- Trey Luckie at Brave Eagles Hunt with Antique Brownings
Fairly new to my site, Trey shares a genuine interest in the outdoor activities I participate in although I believe he has no interest in joining me in any venture if the temperature drops below 50 degrees which just might prohibit any potential trip.  He has a variety of attributes and interests ranging from vehicle restoration, deer hunting, bass fishing, and most recently he took a few jabs at me as he posted about rattlesnake wrangling.  He is a man of faith, loves family more than life, and I fear if we were closer, we'd be running like the wolves.  Check out his site, it's a combination of all activities from the perspective of being a proud dad and loving husband. 

#3- The rest... I raise my mug...
RiverMud is one of the more informative blogs out there as Swamp Thing is very clear, intelligent, and provides a wonderful prose that is a good read.  The posts range from the action of the hunt, conservation efforts, to the enjoyment of being a new dad...

Passinthruoutdoors is straight up a great blog and well written, this author brings a variety of good topics.  A knowledgeable individual, I'm impressed with the attention of detail and obvious interest within all things outdoors including good stories, how to articles, and safety factors...

The Gang at Ducks, Dogs, and Downriggers is the west coast version of DuckPower, Inc.  Although they only have 4 followers (including me) at this time, they are truly adept at duck hunting and fishing.  Rather than keep this blog a secret, these guys are top notch and display great photos to coincide with the stories.  Check them out...


  1. Thanks Bud!! You would have been number 1 on my list if I were to write one, but I can live with it. It will just make me work harder to move to the top of the list!! :)

  2. Thanks! I'd love to slam the sea ducks out in your neck-of-the-woods... a bit of a drive though.


  3. Now that was just hurtful and trust me when say the floggings were completely necessary. :)

  4. I just found your blog tonight!Some friend Rabid O is... HE never mentioned your blog to me, I just happened to stumble over it. I'm going to have to have a word with him...

    Looking forward to reading your archives!

    [url=]Albert A Rasch[/url]
    [url=]The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles[/url]


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