Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dual Survival: Road to Nowhere in Downeast Maine... Photos of the truck...

The Downeast Duck Hunter
There was a lot of hype in my neck of the woods once word got out that Cody Lundin and Dave Canterbury of Discovery Channel's Dual Survival were rumored to have been in the stomping grounds of the Duckman.

And sure enough, an episode titled ROAD TO NOWHERE premiered on July 1st with the following excerpt from the Dual Survival website.

In the isolated woods of Northern Maine, Cody and Dave take on the role of two travelers, lost and out of gas on an abandoned logging road. Their only resource is a broken down truck which they pillage for all it's worth including a can of dog food.

I hope you enjoy the photos of the truck that played a reoccurring role in the show.

It was funny when they talked about northern Maine and then found the ocean

Birch bark- one of nature's best tinder

I could not find the battery for Cody's remote horn

Uncle Bill and Kennedy

Daddy and his little Maine guide

Anybody know why the X?

I can get this running again.


  1. When I was watching that show I kept asking myself when a certain Maine Guide was going to show up to help them!

  2. Yup, your “Sticks” or “Back 40” is definitely worthy.

  3. I was watching the show and hoping to see if "blackberry" was used to help them through their adventure. I know he always seems to help us during ours!!!


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