Monday, January 23, 2012

Number 150... actually 275...

Good friends are hard to come by...
I like these trivial milestones simply because it demonstrates the commitment to family, friends, and the outdoors.  My aspirations and achievements have changed over time bouncing from a potential contributor to a publication, to becoming a Maine Guide, to now simply writing for those who have enough interest in my literary prose.  Most importantly, I write here to network with others who share many of my passions and for my family to enjoy now and down the road.  I will say that number 200 will be dedicated to my youngest, but today I'd like to dedicate this post to several friends whom I collaborate in the blogging universe with a more detailed network of communication.  Without any pressure for establishing a particular order, here goes...

Kevin over at Ducks, Dogs, and Downriggers...
We've exchanged quite a few emails over the past few months conversing on topics such as sports, fishing, and obviously duck hunting.  He's a sharp duck hunting mind that I certainly can relate to, whether it's preparation, planning, or precision & performance within the realm of the wildfowler.  There will be a duck swap, a bucket list cross off in the works.

Terry over at Women's Hunting Journal...
When it all began, Terry was one of the first who took the time to genuinely get to know me.  She was flat out curious about sea ducking, so after some blogging interviews and countless emails we've attempted a sea duck hunt in Maine this past Thanksgiving.  The stars didn't align, however the open invite always stands.

Trey over at Brave Eagles Hunt with Antique Brownings...
My wife says he's my internet boyfriend, I say he's just an awesome pal.  I knew trouble was brewing when he gave me his cell phone number, but we've created one fine friendship over the past year and a half.  We do take the time to ship cool local items several thousand miles whether it's fine Georgian peanuts or a Maine Christmas wreath.  I look forward to hanging out in real life, there is no question that our friendship is of outdoors brethren and fraternity trouble.  The southern sniper and I are in the works for guided adventure in Maine this October.

Steve over at the Maine Outdoorsman...
My pal and continual harasser within the ranks of blogging, I'm pretty fortunate he got me into writing even though his site and material are certainly at the next level above my journal.  There's a lot we've done and a lot we are going to do.  Our story is quite impressive, sometimes God has good plans for good people.  I owe much of my Maine Guide's license and other successes to Steve; he's been a great mentor, cohort, and buddy throughout our 14 years of friendship.

I do not intend to slight any other outdoor blogger or writer in this post, I simply based my dedication on the basis of a better daily communication other than the occasional post in the comments section.  So at this point, I thank the above four friends that I appreciate dearly.  I look forward to putting you all on that monster drake eider. 

Have a great day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter

note:  The Downeast Duck Hunter here today replaced the former DEDH site two years ago, thus establishing a total of 275 posts whereas the current blog stands at 150...  to check out the old blog, click HERE.


  1. Congrats on the milestone buddy and thanks for the kind words. I believe there are all kinds of friendship possibilities between people of like minds no matter how much real estate is between them, especially with today's technology!

    Thanks for being what I consider my good friend! Maine will never be the same once I get there and infuse a little red neck charm on the locals!! Think they are ready for that??

    Congrats again my man!

  2. Trey - I want in on this Maine party when you get here! Even if it is a couple of beers = )

    Congrats DEHD! Rumor has it I will see/meet you ice fishing on the 19th and thanks for linking to Terry's blog. I have added her to my list of blogs to follow.

  3. Those are staggering numbers-congrats! If you would get out here for Christmas break we could probably get the Duck Counter up to 150. Actually, I take that back, better aim for half that number from the shooting I've seen in a few Duckpower videos...

  4. Trey- Thanks buddy, we'll be able to handle you.

    Erin- There is a guarantee that you'll either love me or hate me. There is no happy medium for the Duckman.

    Kevin- I'll accept your apology, after you see me dropping warbirds all over the place.


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