Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Pinnacle of my Coaching Career...

As May closes out I reflect upon the lack of outdoor activities and realize that the needs of life trump the wants... Long story made short; hunting and fishing took the back burner again...

The most recent addition to the wildest month of my year has been T-Ball.  I had been asked if I would be willing to assist a squad of eager four, five, and six year old local residents.  When it was all said and done, I found myself as the head coach of the Gray Team.  Now the Gray Ballers have two games under our belt and week two starts tomorrow. 

My last stint on the diamond was about six years ago when I "retired" from varsity baseball after four years of running a program.  It would be fair to say that I loved everything about this tenure, but a young family forced the all important game to become the first casualty of my time management chopping block.  I had previously won a county championship at the junior high level before accepting this post, and had a little league championship before that.   I had always said that I didn't want to coach my own kids, but this year officially is the beginning of that straight out lie.

So with six innings played where the kids all field, bat, run, and participate, I've got my little team putting the bat through the ball and hustling around the colored bases.  The energy it takes to power this machine is solely powered by pint size excitement.  Simply put, I've never been so rewarded to be part of sharing a passion for that small white ball.  I don't know if it's missing the coaching or enjoying the kids, but blending my experience with the efforts behind enriching these children to a game I love has put me at this point in life.  No coaching endeavor has satisfied me so quickly as this bunch of eight and getting a fist bump as that smiling munchkin crosses the plate.  Somebody please pinch me...


  1. Keep up the good work bud! The T-ball years are the fun ones!!

  2. Ditto to Trey's comment. Some of my best days were leaving the field after high school practice and coaching some more with the T-ball/Coach Pitch kids. I also tried to get my high school players realize the youngsters had more enthusiasm and maybe they should try some of it.

    Steve in Central CA


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