Thursday, April 7, 2011

DIFW comissioner to head downeast...

The Pleasant River Fish & Game Conservation Association will be holding it's next meeting at the town office gymnasium in Columbia Falls on April 11th at 7:00 p.m. 
At this venue, the association will be hosting Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Commissioner Chandler Woodcock and the Sportman's Alliance of Maine executive director, Matthew Dunlap.  Both men have been invited to speak at this event and the public is invited to attend.
Chandler Woodcock was the Republican challenger in 2006 for the Maine governorship and lost in that three party race to incumbent John Baldacci by 8 percent.  Commissioner Woodcock's nomination came from newly elected governor, Paul LePage.   

Chandler Woodcock of Maine DIFW      photo courtesy of the Portland Press Herald

As a new member of the PRFGCA, I sincerely look forward to attending and having the opportunity to meet the new leader of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife and thank all of those who have been able to make this opportunity happen.

The new town office is located at the former Columbia Falls Elementary School.

Take care and hope to see you there,

The Downeast Duck Hunter


  1. Please tell him for me that:
    1. No Sunday Hunting SUCKS!
    2. Nice BOW TIE . . . Looooo Hooooo ZzzzzzR
    3. Then ramble on about the lack of Deer

    Thanks Bud!

  2. So Rabid, do you think my bow tie will be a fashion faux pas? You seem to be a little hostile...


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