Wednesday, December 19, 2012


My reason to worry.

I worry... never in my life have I been so worried...

Worried about America... it's economic woes... borrowing like a shopping addict... the fiscal cliff...

Worried about the hate... the clear partisan hate, one who wants those traditional values that propelled us to greatness... the other wanting to embrace the new, throwing caution into the wind and hoping for a better world... so many people being divided on so many fronts... my way or the highway...

Worried about our future... trying to raise my children and teach my students balance, appreciation, understanding, responsibility, and inspire them to make our community, state, nation, and world a better place...

Worried about the Newton school shooting, cried for those who died while also wondering if many good Americans will be further hated for owning firearms... In the midst of my worry as a parent, teacher, future administrator, I worry as a gun owner... and yes I can possess all those roles for concern...

I have a friend, a cohort who is certainly liberal... we tease, we joke, we talk, but we never argue... we seek perspective, reasoning, and further learning... many times we often come to a unique world where we actually meet common ground... I would like to say that this can be done at larger levels, but it can't... there are too many fingers in the cookie jar... for that I again... worry...

I believe in people, but when "ask what your country can do for you" takes precedence over "ask what can you do for your country" then we should worry... one tears down while the other builds...

I worry that a "new America" may not be able to take care of previous failures while fostering new ones... that the good fight for greatness may result in blaming the past as an excuse for pitfalls in the future... so much corruption, cheating, and coercion for benefit and greed... 

I don't believe in the world endgame, but I do believe that mankind is failing... Please try to listen more, think more, find common ground, and understand we are all people...

I don't worry about my efforts for a better world, I just worry about our world's effort... I'll do my part in my little corner of America...

The Downeast Duck Hunter


  1. Nice post Brother! I worry that you may never make it South! Catch a plane and forget your worries as I take you on a South Georgia adventure!

  2. Nice post buddy . . . now I am worried. :)

  3. You're right on Duckman..make no mistake about it traditional beliefs and rights are under attack..I too worry..not so much for the rest of my life but for my grandson's future in the "new America".

  4. Great reminders of what made the US the place people moved to live. And why we do need to worry because those making decisions have forgotten how we got here.

  5. Great reminder for us all. Too many people forgot how we got here, and only want theirs now.

  6. Although not my typical post, I opted to run these words after my wife asked me why I seem so out of sorts. Didn't want it to become an emotional diary entry but rather a declaration of my concern. I'll run my course, support my daughters so they may have a better life and hope that I've got enough bubble wrap around my family to cushion us when things get worse.

    Thanks to all for your comments.


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