Friday, November 18, 2011

Outdoor Photo Prompt ~ Little Explorers in the Outdoors

I just figured this photo was worth sharing, it isn't my littlest wrangling a brook trout or my oldest reeling in a smallmouth bass.  It is however what I consider the best photo that illustrates what little eyes can find and how quickly they can apply their perspective to the given opportunity.  So this blog post is for my little ladies, a heart in West Quoddy Head, the easternmost point in our country...


  1. Wicked adorable buddy. Hey any chance we can have my boys marry your girls so we can be in-laws and get more of a chance to hang out?!?!?

  2. We'll work out the details down the road, however I think there would be four ladies mad at us all the time... but then again, you could help shoulder my angst... lol...

  3. Beautiful girls, but what ugly ass ogre belongs to that giant toe in the background?

    Awesome photo and thanks for sharing.

  4. Mud, you'll have to ask my wife on that one man... Now I need to go back and crop it...

  5. HAHAHAHAHAH! Ogre toe!! It's ok man mine has hobbit feet and I still love her.


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