Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Buck of a Lifetime

I had a special visit in the principal's office several days ago with one of my favorite students of all time.

Marcus was certainly on cloud nine when he began to recount a truly impressive story that might be worth mentioning.

He and his brother had opted to check a few spots in search of a deer when they drove down a dirt road overlooking a grassy opening.  Marcus had his rifle in true Downeast fashion next to him with the clip detached while his brother Leon had his rifle cased in back of the SUV when they spotted a massive buck motionless in the field.  Marcus got out and scoped the giant while Leon scrambled to get his rifle.  Both boys intended to shoot at the same time, an act of patience and symbolizing the bond this pair has shown through a childhood that has delivered some difficulties with the loss of their little sister.

On any account, they timed the trigger pull and both fired at the trophy deer.  The animal made way into the woods.

A fast discussion of who made the shot ensued as Leon was sure he didn't make the 200 yard shot while Marcus felt confident he hit the mark.  Leon even challenged Marcus on a scale of 1 to 10 on the confidence of the shot.  Marcus promptly retorted 8, no 9 or 10. 

After some time, they ventured down the road to search for sign of the shot and found blood.  Within minutes, Marcus was manhandling the monster out of the woods towards the road.  Excitement and cell phone traffic were high.

Once dressed and weighed, this 8 point buck tipped the scale at 260 pounds and Marcus who has dearly attempted to earn a nice deer now can say he has one to tell about for the remainder of his life.  His brother Leon when asked could only praise his older brother and shares the same enthusiasm around the memorable moment.

Marcus is currently studying construction and building management at a nearby community college and is one of the stars on the baseball team.  This young man deserves good fortunes and I see great things in his future.  I couldn't be happier for my boy, I'll never forget my first big buck nor will he.

Have a great day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Running Circuit

Part of my life around Celiac Disease is this ongoing effort to deal with inflammation and nutritional challenges.  For about 11 months now, I have been running to the point that I opted to get back onto the race circuit.  It began as a way to improve my health, but the Duckman got fast enough to warrant that competitive edge and so far, it's been a blast meeting other runners and getting back into the action.  After all, it's been 23 years since I did road races in preparation for my freshman year cross country season.

My results are as follows:  Bay of Fundy 10K- 35th out of 300, Moosabec 4th of July 5K- 6th, Milbridge Days 5K-6th, and the Washington Academy Homecoming Raider Run 3.7 miler- 3rd.

As of right now, I'm building a team to challenge for the Bay of Fundy Team Cup which includes the Washington County Junior High Champion (and I still can't quite catch him in all these races) and potentially a former State Champion.

As the weather becomes colder, I've still tried to get out at least once or twice a week but may need to invest in a better treadmill so I may be able to train this winter.

Leaping across the finish line...
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