Friday, March 1, 2013

On the board!!!

Living in a small coastal community certainly isn't for everybody. I however, wouldn't have it any other way. Our island school has a rich tradition in terms of basketball and my family has been a huge part of this honored past.

My father held the Eastern Maine tournament scoring record of 90 points in 3 games for 15 years until it was broken by another local.

My sister is considered one of Maine's elite with her accolades; two state championships, all-Maine first team, and a Division I scholarship to the University of New Hampshire.

And well, I did well also... but that's for someone else to talk about, not me.

Today, I'm very pleased to share the beginning of a new era. My oldest at 8 years of age, began her basketball career. With too few ladies in the 6th, 5th, and 4th grade, our three 3rd graders were asked to join.

After a lot of discussion and balancing the sides, my wife and I agreed to let our beauty participate. With an emphasis on rest, study, and commitment; she has become the newest Honey Bee.

Big eyed and green to the game, the rookie stormed out onto the court and began absorbing the immensity of the process. She motored up and down the court, anchored her spots as dictated by the coach, nabbed a rebound, earned an assist, and then with less than a minute left to go in the third period she made it happen.

Tonight we go across the bridge to play the very strong Falconettes who make up the other half of our two town school district. Here's to tradition, and those who keep it going.

Enjoy your weekend

The Downeast Duck Hunter


  1. You tell my little buddy that Mr. Trey Luckie is VERY proud of her!! Keep up the good work!!

  2. Fantastic!!! Here is to the start of a long, record-breaking career.


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