Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Northern Pike Experience: Part Three

Front:  Uncle Kim, Steve  Back:  Travis, Ryan, Tony

6 plus northern pike
I realize this post finds itself with awkward timing, especially after following the previous post but timing always seems to be the ever present challenge.  As the ice continues to erode, I suspect this will be the last ice fishing post and gears must shift upon the next outdoor affiliation.  For that, let's wrap up the story.

The derby became just another day with some nice pike.  The ticket had an update number to call and with mine holding almost seven pounds, I figured it would be worth a shout.  A very pleasant guy commented on the day in the best way I can remember, "We've got a ten, a nine, and I just got a call that a seventeen is on its way".  Translation, there existed no need to quit early and register my fish so we kept fishing.  With little success, we threw in the towel around four.  A return in the morning made the decision a bit more bearable.

Our next day consisted of moderate action and Ryan garnered the champ pushing a decent ten pounds.  A stiff breeze could not deter our efforts and the camaraderie culminated into one memorable day.  Eventually the wear and tear of all things associated with a vacation began to break down the willingness to continue.  Within minutes, the gear was gathered and the ice train made way for the landing.

I'm most fortunate to have an experience that brings in new personnel into a traditional endeavor that can produce something as memorable as a nice northern pike.  Next year when I'm on my way, you can rest assured that Ryan will be riding shotgun telling me how he's going to catch a twenty at daylight.  That's how I roll... with those who roll...

Have a great day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Ryan's ten pound northern pike

Uncle Kim trying to say he caught it


  1. Looks like a great time even if Uncle Kim tagged along.

  2. Sounds like it was a great adventure. I've never eaten Pike, but would love to try them.


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