Thursday, September 22, 2011

'Tis this the season that Duckman's jolly...

Duck season for the Downeast Duck Hunter opens October 1st.  If you have issue with my good work, please feel free to call someone who cares...

The 4th annual Duckpower Freshwater Opener in central Maine is still a go with a few reductions in terms of participants and time, but nevertheless we intend to shake things up.  The following weekend will be a two day sea duck extravaganza if everything falls into agreement...

If it flies, it dies... Trey Luckie where are you?

Have a good day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter


  1. There in spirit Duckman! There in spirit!

  2. Where in Central Maine is the season opener? I assume you have an Ace up your sleeve?

  3. PBM,
    Swinging by Belfast and grab you whilst continuing to the capital city to drop some ducks. No aces by rather a royal flush...

  4. Get 'em! We have warm weather, floodwaters across the whole state (so no concentration of birds) and 3+ weeks until big ducks come in season....

  5. Good luck my northern friends!Woodie season comes in October 6th in Virginia and I can't wait.River Mud is just being a party pooper.There are ducks around he's just being a hater.


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