Sunday, July 24, 2011

Duck Camp...

Went out to the new property for the first time today, the future home of the ultimate sea duck hunting experience is now in the works... Enjoy the photos... Certainly a lot to share down the road...

Approach from the north

View eastward upon landing

Southern view from beach

Western view from beach

Southern view from center of property

Southwestern view

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Catch of the Day...

Just thought I'd share this photo with the readership, it was a lobster well over the legal measure and better yet... it came out of Trey Luckie's trap... back overboard for a continued long life...

Take Care,
The Downeast Duck Hunter

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Taking Applications: Personal Assistant Needed

I am working on the Dual Survival Post, I'd rather do one decent write up rather than six crappy ones.  Please read below if you are looking for some employment opportunities during this recession.

My first assistant just couldn't carry the work load...
Wanted:  An able individual who can assist a busy man.  Must be able to be awake by 4 a.m. and deal with a variety of challenges including handling dead fish, sea sickness, long hours, and me.  Said individual needs to be able to maintain an outdoors blog and mow a reasonably sized lawn.  Applicant can not be too attractive if female; for that may make things more problematic.  Send application to:

The Duckman
Downeast Duck Hunter Enterprises
22 Seaduck Shore
Eiderville, Maine 001243

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A few minutes with Senator Collins...

The family with Maine Senator Susan Collins
I'll be honest and say that I felt honored to have the opportunity to share a few minutes with Senator Collins on the Fourth of July.  My exact words to her before this photo were, "These are my little beauties and it's very important to me for them to meet one of the most influential women in our nation's history".

They may not have realized how important this moment in time was for me, but my little future leaders of America will certainly look back at this years from now and realize why their Daddy loves his family & his country.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

100th post- Dual Survival Style

In celebration of my 100th post on the new DEDH website, I dedicate this small but mighty achievement to Cody and Dave of Discovery's Dual Survival.  Their episode in Maine aired last night and suddenly I was able to locate the missing truck in the most dire of situations.  There are more photos for a post in the near future but for now, it's time to celebrate our declaration of independence.  See you soon!!!

The Downeast Duck Hunter
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