Saturday, December 19, 2009

The story of 2009

For many people, Facebook is the social networking site that has become the everything and anything for communication. While some use it sparingly, some are so immensely hooked that they could be considered “addicted”.

I too am part of the Facebook genre, but my time and energy focus on checking up on old friends, playing poker online, and corresponding with a group of follow outdoorsman within my region. One friend in particular, Jonathan of Rising Sun Outfitters, seems to be the most energized by the online discussion and his news recently about this hen eider has resulted in my newest research endeavor.

A client from his firm bagged a hen eider that not only had a readable band, but a satellite transmitter as well. We chatted online while I was frantically searching the world wide web for any information pertaining to the topic at hand. As soon as I found one site and sent the link, I'd be on another more promising direction. I'll be honest, there aren't many of these around and this is a major event within the coastal sea duck hunting genre.

I will be posting a major story within the next week or so as the information keeps shuffling in, the information from the Bird Band Lab is absolutely critical in order to reference the eider with the correct organization who was tracking the bird. Without any shadow of a doubt, I'm absolutely pumped.

Stay tuned for what may be the highlight of the 2009 sea duck season.

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