Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My first article!!!

My little girl's first duck portrait!!!

Yep, I decided it was time to try my luck in the outdoors writing venue and my first ever submission was accepted!!! You can check out "The Early Bird Gets the Worm. Not So..." about a strategic hunt for Maine eiders in the middle of the day...

The Downeast Duck Hunter's first article

God love it!!!


  1. Congrats on the article. I love your daughter's picture too... she's got talent (I should know, I have the same kind of artwork on my fridge!!!)

    I think I would like your wife. I wish her luck on the painting, what a pain (but so worth it!!)

    I will check out spark people... I am already a lifetime member of WW's but since I'm a bit over goal maybe spark people will "spark" my interest in weight loss again ;)...LOL!!

    Thanks for following the blogging trail and finding me! Good luck with the upcoming hunting season.


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