Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jim's First Eider, well... first three....

Once in a great while a person can be dazzled, amazed, or awestruck. It's very fortunate that we have been taking the time to document our hunting through video. And to have caught Jim's first rally on tape is quite special. What I would give to have that first coot on film many moons ago!!!

I have known Jim for several years now and he finally went out with Matt Diesel and myself for a little sea ducking. Jim is quite accomplished with puddle ducks, but hasn't really chased eiders, coots, and old squaws. He had first crack at daylight and typically we only shoot one at a time since the limit is either 5 eiders and 2 coots, or 4 coots and 3 eiders. In a matter of seconds, Jim had already dropped three of his limit...

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