The sun has risen on my vacation, may it never set... |
Let's see how many get crossed off...
We'll see how this plays out, but so far the nine days known as April vacation rest before me with a variety of opportunities, hopes, and dreams.
Today, I must take a firearms hunting safety instructor course, attend an Easter egg hunt part II spectacular, and venture south to visit my buddy Rabid whose entire family is polluted with the puking flu. Hell or high water, I'm heading down but never will I entire the abode de Rabid. The garage will be my quarters and base of operations.
On taps, northern pike Sunday morning, all sorts including largemouth bass Sunday afternoon, and more fishing Monday morning.
Further out in the plans, include
a family hike or two... including some
geocaching after some monster erratics left behind as the last ice age receded, day trip to duck camp for some finish work,
paint the bottom of the lobster boat,
work on some traps, and maybe a local canoe trip.
We'll see how many Awesome April events get crossed off, but 9 days of trying to do something is way better than not being able to because of work. Let's roll....
Have a great day,
The Downeast Duck Hunter
Lobster? Did someone mention lobster? Do you think the price will be better (for you) this coming season. Or will it be two pound and a quarters for a gallon of diesel?