Wednesday, April 4, 2012

300 posts

On Monday, May 19th, 2008, I began a process to document my outdoor activities for friends and family. Today as I near the 4th anniversary of my efforts, the game has somewhat shifted... there's video production, networking, gear reviews, and other opportunities in the works. The Downeast Duck Hunter has been very good to me and for me. Years from now, there will be this wealth of stories, thoughts, and memories for my beauties... One of whom is up for the 300th post dedication...

This one is for you Leah...   You are growing so fast but you'll always be Daddy's little beauty...
Strong, stubborn, and very opinionated, you will succeed so well in life.  Even if it means steam rolling your way to your dreams.  Smart, pretty, and full of personality, I wonder who will dare to win your heart.  He will need the patience of your dad, and that is one tough card to play.

I love you beauty, I love how you roll, and I love watching you grow up...

First brook trout

When we returned, she jumped in...

Checking out the jewelry on Daddy's banded eider
Messing with Daddy's cooling hose on the lobster boat

You love pink, but you make brown look great


  1. Great post and dedication Tony. You are a wealthy man with priorities in check, good on ya'! Proud to be a fellow blogger in your circle of outdoor enthusiasts.

  2. Aha... So that's who's really behind all those nice fish you've been producing lately. Keep up the good work.

  3. Great post little girl who is now 32 is also a Leah!

  4. Congrats on 300 buddy! I hope my blog will be as awesome as yours one day!

  5. What a great dad you are! Thanks for helping to create the next generation of outdoor women = )

  6. Many thanks to you all, I look forward to the next 300 with you who are all fine outdoor cohorts.

  7. Congrats on 300 buddy! Your little ones are beauties!

  8. Congrats! ...and wow! What a beauty you have on your hands there. You'll be beating back the boys any day now ;)


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