October 1st should be a national holiday, well at least in Maine... I figure our wonderful governor can have August 12th be the official fart in church day so why shouldn't I be able to have "Duck Season Begins Day"??? Nevertheless, I posted several key goals for the upcoming season and here's how I've done thus far...
Goal #1- Get ready to chase some puddle ducks particularly teal and wood duck
So far I've managed to clear opening day for central Maine with the Maine Outdoorsman and it looks like wood ducks are going to be our target... I couldn't be more excited, the sea ducks can wait until opening weekend... and I've gotten back in touch with one of my old buddies, Rod Bass, and he absolutely wants me to chase some inland ducks with him in our neck of the woods... Double Bonus, Goal Complete!!!
Goal #2- Scout inland waters
Not the first minute nor do I possess the time to even think about that one right now... Lobstering still occupies my weekends and teaching is killing my weekdays... Throw in a new family and this one is shot... Please refer back to the first goal and I think my scouting my end up being with some maps and my phone... Goal sort of but not really complete...
Goal #3- Hit opening day with Rabid, the Maine Outdoorsman
Ready to take a personal day for October 1st and drive down to Augusta... Goal just a leave slip away!!!
Goal #4- Take a kid out on junior hunt day to promote our sport...
It looks like I won't have the time to pull this one off which is too bad... I've got everything ready, but I'm thinking of all those days that I wish I could be out of the lobster boat and wonder why I passed up that pay check... I've got to keep on working until the gear is brought in and September still is a great month for lobstering... Goal not met, but I just might still make it happen...
Goal #5- Get published!!!
I found my article on the front page of the Duck Hunting Chat Online Magazine and am currently waiting for my stipend.... Apparently, I've scored a nice duck call and it's in the mail!!!
So as far as I can tell, I'm working on a 4 out of 5 or at least 3 out of 5... Not bad and I suppose I'll have to drum up some new goals to challenge the inner core of my duck hunting being... Take care and remember "less than three weeks"...
The Down East Duck Hunter
Can't wait for the opener! Those woodies won't know what hit them. Going out this weekend and getting the blind ready!