If you want something done ask a busy person... Yup that's my adage, I figure that the more I do the more gets done and then all goes well, but I've been hit with a unique opportunity that deserves some consideration...
I have been offered a part-time job after school working with kids from a different age group than I currently teach. I would head over to the elementary school and act as a counselor for mainly junior high kids and focus my efforts in the outdoor arena. Apparently the program endorses snow shoeing, cross country skiing, tennis, and other activities. The pay is $20 an hour and I would get about 6 hours per week. This would translate into $480 per month for about 8 months at the total estimated sum of $3840 before the taxman.
Here's my rambling thinking as of right now:
1) six hours a week is still six hours away from family which would then affect my weekends especially with my hunting seasons barreling around the corner
2) I'm not sure that $20 an hour is worth my time especially since I'm constantly in the works with the business of life
3) The money would be nice, but what honestly would it go for... towards a new car, home improvements, a bigger motor for the Duckforce???
4) My personal economy is well, I've adjusted my life around the increase in fuel and heating oil and I'm not sure if adding another job would better suit my personal utility, i.e. happiness
5) I wouldn't mind doing outdoors activities and sharing those with younger kids, plus get paid for it...
6) I would throw every paycheck into this isolated savings account and let the money grow, I have multiple incomes right now and this would be the only way I'd consider this to avoid nickel and dime economics
7) Work, more work, then home
So here I am, trying once again to figure out how to balance my world and as my favorite time of year approaches, another option gets put in front of me... I suppose opportunity is knocking but is there a price for this one???
I have thought about this a lot since our phone convo and I think you already work a ton between school, lobstering and worming, etc. Take the time and spend it with your family as childhood only happens once and it will be over in a blink of an eye. AND selfishly its almost DUCK SEASON DAMNIT!
ReplyDeleteI took the job, and if things don't work out then I'll have to give up the position... I'm not a quitter but I was clear in my interview that balance in my life must be maintained... Nothing ventured nothing gained...
ReplyDeleteI hope your decision works out well for you. Finding balance is so difficult.
ReplyDeleteThe Elmo in your picture looks a lot like that Elmo chair I have in the middle of my living room....
So far I've been happy with the decision and my first paycheck is in the mail... In just this week where I sold 250 pounds of lobsters at $3.00 per pound on Sunday, we've seen a decrease to $2.25 per pound... Basic math would tell you that the difference of the boat price before expenses is $225 less... In addition, the cost of expenses continues to rise... Nobody needs a lobster and the processors aren't interested in paying top dollar for something that can't "catch" top price... The ripple effect of the economy has officially hit downeast Maine... This job allows me to bank money that I wouldn't have been able to and will be helpful at some point, but I'm not touching it!!! Until the little lady has a convincing plan... lol...
ReplyDeleteWe little ladies are good at convincing plans... *wink*
ReplyDeleteAnd yes - the economy is gone to hell in a handbasket. Thank goodness we know how to budget.
The folks who visit and participate in this blog and the rabid outdoorsman understand the value in staying within the means and will be innovative in how to get by in the future... When I first started this blog I thought it would be full of hard core hunting fanatics, but I'm "pleasantly surprised" with the membership taken and dialogue formed... I'm a better person for this, and am so glad with the progress of the blog...