Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where has summer gone?

Sorry about falling of the face of the earth, but I haven't had internet for three weeks and I have accomplished no outdoor achievement whatsover.  Here's a quick update on what's up with the Duckman.

About a third of my traps are up and the majority are slated for return next week, I have fallen under one pound per trap average and at $1.70 a pound (up from $1.35 two weeks ago) I am not interested in racing against time, weather, and school at that price coupled with a diminishing catch.  I've had a good year in terms of volume, but monetarily I've certainly had a down year.

Moosabec Mayhem had the first annual fantasy football draft which includes two other fellow bloggers, Trey over at Brave Eagles Hunt with Antique Brownings and Kevin over at Ducks, Dogs, and Downriggers.  Along with us comes some of my very best friends:  Jab, Craig, Pistol, A.C., Purdy, JDK, and Mahoney.  This will certainly be worth a few posts during football season.

An ice fishing excursion was made official as Duckpower will return to Pleasant Lake in Island Falls, Maine during February vacation and hold over half the available cabins on the lake.  We will be staying at Birch Point Campground.

In less than two months, Trey Luckie will be venturing north from Georgia to participate in a three night, two day duck hunting trip that will include sea ducks and black ducks.  We planned this trip to accommodate both types and let's hope the weather will be decent.

And finally, it's been a long time and expensive venture but our family jumped across the road to the waterfront property into our finished home.  I can certainly suggest that my wife seems far more jovial than usual. 

Talk to you soon,

The Downeast Duck Hunter
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