Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Will they be here in time???

I had to do it, so many times I've seen my buddies jumping into the water and come out as comfortable as can be. I've order the Cabelas 1600 gram waders on the very back of their waterfowl catalogue, and hope they arrive by tomorrow. I went with the bad boys simply because most of my hunting is in quite frigid weather and one of my buddies who guides said they are worth three times what they are asking. I had anticipated paying $200, but with a sale and a $20 off coupon, I scored them for $175 including tax and shipping. Here are some of the features:

1,600-gram Thinsulate™ Ultra Insulation
5mm neoprene with Armor-Flex™
quick detach shell pouch with 24 shell loops
fleece lined handwarmer pocket
top entry storage pouch
three front compartments
handwarmer pocket

Personally, I look forward to using these and honestly believe this purchase will pay dividends on both inland and coastal waters.

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's on!!!

The new duckmobile... uh, the new family vehicle... I would have cropped the picture but wanted to show the eider decoys in the background!!!

Once again yours truly, the Downeast Duck Hunter, will travel downstate to hunt with my esteemed buddy, critic, and hunting partner, the Rabid Outdoorsman...

A comical but sincere effort had taken place last year as we both wrote articles from our own perspective in regards to our participation in opening day, from preparation to endgame. This year should be no different, but after 365 days of joking, teasing, harassment, and other ventures, I would also suggest that our literature could take on a whole new direction. We shall see...

Rather than focus on opening day like last year, we have decided to make our hunting efforts a weekend event that will consist of two full days of hunting bliss. Some may ask why not opening day and I would respond that day 2 and 3 consecutively works better than day 1, work, and then day 3.

On any account, get ready for some of the world's worst coffee, some jabbing, and most of all a great reflection from two great friends who enjoy the outdoors as much as anybody. Until our next article, take care!!!

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Week, Big News...

I'm happy to announce that positive things are happening in my writing world aside of my super cool blog. Over the course of last week and early this week, I have had the opportunity to establish a wonderful dialogue with the owner and editor of one of Maine's most acclaimed and prestigious outdoor publications, the Northwoods Sporting Journal. After some submissions, reviews, and discussion, it looks as if my first article will run this December. Even though I'm not jumping through the door, I'm so excited to be joining a genre I so admire. If all goes well, I hope to be a monthly contributor in the near future.

I would personally like to thank my hunting partner and great friend, the Rabid Outdoorsman, who encouraged me to start my blog shortly after he began a most interesting and informative online resource. His continued practice there then led him to several full page spreads as a promising writer. His endeavors and our long friendship have greatly influenced my aspirations and I thank him for his continued support.

In addition, my wife deserves much credit to support each and every endeavor I pursue. Without her support, I'm not sure how well my efforts would pan out. Hopefully with this new career blossuming, maybe I'll get to hunt and fish a little more.

And finally, to each and every fellow blogger out there including Terry at Women's Hunting Journal, Tugboatdude, and Swamp Thing who have been regular responders to my articles, thanks for being part of my online community. I look forward to our continued dialogue.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Trouble is brewing...

I'm still laughing, and you may appreciate this one!!! I just happened to type in "Carry-Lite eider decoys" on Google after my official "repair the damage day" to my existing spread. To my surprise just under a couple of most excellent links to my blog was this add on Craigslist for five dozen 19 inch eider decoys in the mid-coast area of Maine. The list price was $240 for the entire bunch or $48 for a dozen. After some fast email exchanges, I've landed only SIX dozen for a total price of $300. What is most exciting is that my brother-in-law picked up the decoys for me and threw them on his credit card while my check to him is in the mail. However, he must hold them for a bit until we can best figure out how to transport them.

The most exciting thing for me is that the most comparable decoy as I believe Carry-Lite no longer makes the eider line is from Knutson's Decoy (be sure to scroll down). The price for a dozen there is $99.99 a dozen not including shipping, so I'd say i've made out.

It took my brother two trips to transport these, but his pain and suffering is well worth my investment!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Now you see it, now you don't...

Needless to say, I've gotten hit with the hunting bug this month and realized that all the hunting to do's didn't get done this summer. I've been trying to mesh several jobs, family time, and all other necessary aspects with much exasperation. Fortunately, I didn't have work tonight and my wife encouraged me to seize the few minutes before dusk to "finish that kayak"!!!

So here's the fruit of my labor, a bright orange kayak covered with eight marsh grass panels from Cabelas.

I bet you can't guess who was the supervisor of my project...

I did take some time this past weekend to spray paint my paddles as to conceal the bright yellow ends.

Now it's time to finish my new boat blind system to adjoin the new motor on the seaduck boat and finish repairing the Carry-Lite Eider Decoys for my friends can't tell the difference between a quality painted drake eider and the real thing!!!

More posts to come...

The Down East Duck Hunter

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Kayak...

Over the past year I decided that I must have three main items to fulfill my personal happiness. The first was an oil painting that was completed my one of my former students this past spring, now I've got to get a second one because my wife says I've got two girls and one nice painting! The second is a Super Redhawk and that will have to wait simply because a house needs to be finished and a new vehicle is in our near future.

The final item on my list was to get a new kayak, particularly the Old Town Ambush canoe/kayak. That didn't happen but I did fall into a pretty sweet deal. Let me share this gem of a story...

My wife calls me from her hometown as she and my children were staying her mother after the passing of my father-in-law. She had seen an advertisement for a kayak on the local cable channel and thought I would be interested in calling. I really wasn't for I figured it would be some old kayak that someone was trying to dump at a price no one wanted to pay, but with some encouragement I did call.

I spoke with a pleasant man who explained that his friend had bought an Old Town Adventure 13'9" several years ago and had a stroke the following year. They had hoped for a better recovery, but using the kayak seemed futile with each passing year. The orange kayak with paddle, lifevest, security lock, and gear was offered at $379 and my counter offer of $350 was accepted. I can honestly say that I'm not big on the orange, but I can easily make the kayak disappear with some marsh grass mats I had purchased from Cabelas. I'm quite pleased with the purchase and have found it's stability very impressive.

I intend to post shortly with the camouflaging with in itself has been a neat process. Sorry about the lack of posting, it hasn't been a great summer...

The Downeast Duck Hunter
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