Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Frayed Friendship... The location of lake X...

A great team hunting in a nice spot not necessarily shared with the general public, unless...

Make no mistake that the Rabid Outdoorsman and I are an unstoppable team, but this week he chose to test our friendship in a way that has broken many untold and rock solid bonds.  Over time, I have openly shared with him my findings, tactics, and most of all successful baits.  Now granted it takes one who understands structure, water temperature, time of year, and the spawn stage to successfully catch fish, but my good friend offers to cast any good friendship away in order to attract and catch a potential follower or fan or friend.  With that said, I figure the only way to fight fire is with fire.  So I ask of you, what type of retribution could I impress on the one they call Rabid?

Largemouth from Lake X in 2010...
Yes, for Rabid's ill regarded moves against my good faith and trust, I will choose to disclose one of Rabid's most precious secrets:  the esteemed location of lake X to where we have enjoyed a multitude of fishing opportunities over the years.  It pains me to do this, but Rabid must learn the ways of brethren and not kiss & tell any opportunity that might prove beneficiary to his public fame.

Rabid with a nice pre-spawn bass on Lake X...
If you fetch your nearest Delorme Atlas and open this treasure map up, please go to...  Nah, I can't do it... I'm too good of a friend, your secret is safe with me buddy... Sometimes things are best left in Vegas... Consider this a minor flog on da blog...

Have a great day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter


  1. Thanks for the "restrained" flogging. :) Nice come back buddy.

  2. You're killing me! I was ready to make a 3000 mile road trip. Spill the beans already!

  3. Thanks Trey, I was almost ready to put up his social security number and birth certificate.

    Rabid, watch yourself bro... I've got my one on you.

    Da Dang, we'll put you on that stuff. Don't worry, you can disclose the information.

    Thanks for posting guys, even Rabid


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