Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Will Rabid be catching small fry?
More action photos?

No shadow for me today, with rain and overcast skies I fail to recognize any shadow therefore eliminating the prospect of a longer winter.  This with no question has been the mildest, snowless winter ever from my perspective along the coast of Maine.  However, for some odd circumstance... we have ice to tread upon.

This month, I'll be on several legendary ice fishing ventures with my devious alter-ego and adversary who proclaims himself as the Rabid Outdoorsman.  I'm sure there will be enough carnage left behind this month to declare our blogs federal disaster areas, but nevertheless I'm excited and ready for the pursuit of something impressive.  Someone will catch a bragger, the question then becomes who gets the honor?

More to come, but the Febauchery™ begins today.

Or will Rabid catch another monster?


  1. Oh sure, share the picture of me and the "small" Northern Pike! FEBACHERY BEGIN!

  2. Good luck! I doubt you and Rabid will have to worry about thin ice...


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