A surprise snow storm and messy roads promised a white Christmas whilst leaving my plans for a bufflehead attack in despair. After contacting my dad just after daylight, I convinced him that we needed to finish out our season chasing a black duck or two. With the very large tides, it became pertinent that we mobilize to a different locale within the general area. We chose to set up in the middle of the flooded cove concentrating on any late season black ducks that dare enter. Due to the storm, our efforts were hindered and resulted in a delayed start. Nevertheless, we set up, waited, and saw little sign of any life...
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My father with a nice black duck. |
As Christmas Day approaches and I finish this post, I would like to wish all those to visit my blog the very best no matter what angle your holiday throws at you. Santa is coming here, and I look forward to seeing two eager little girls who are currently setting up the cookies for Old Saint Nick...
God Bless,
The Downeast Duck Hunter
Merry Christmas my good friend!!