Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Registered Maine Guide

I am proud to announce that today I passed my Maine Guide's Exam and currently possess my Recreational Guides License.  May I say that is was a most challenging process that has taken over one half year to accomplish.

There is a lot to the story including a 50 count largemouth bass study break during my stay in central Maine with the Rabid Outdoorsman including my top monster which must have been over 6 pounds. After I catch up on some lobster fishing and get some rest, I'll be sure to post soon. Until then take care.

The Downeast Duck Hunter
Registered Maine Guide


  1. Congratulations!

    What a great achievement and can't wait to read all about it!

  2. Congratulations Tony, you have worked hard to accomplish this goal, enjoy your success!

  3. Congrats buddy on your fine accomplishment!


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