After seriously pushing myself this summer with lobster fishing, I made a decision this week to work my entire gang full over in order to free up a day in the middle of the week. Today as a result, was set aside for any adventure I could muster up. The winner of my possibilities: Take my oldest daughter bass fishing in the Old Town Ambush.
So I was up at 5 a.m. eager to get going, but I knew that the ladies in the house operated otherwise. After some coffee, internet, television, and other acts of readiness, my oldest turned the corner of the living room just after 8 a.m. with a true sense of excitement about our trip. We got some basics ready and kissed Mom goodbye. It was bass fishing time!
We did the traditional pit stop at the local convenience store and another break at Dunkin' Donuts. Once the necessities were attained, the landing found us just at 10 a.m. and we quickly prepared the Ambush for its second voyage.

After a quick jaunt down the stream, we entered the lake and met two other groups just finishing up their morning fishing. Undeterred by this unusual pressure, we hit the east side of the lake attacking rock structures and deeper flats. My daughter started out fierce but quickly lost the enthusiasm of casting only to take over with the kayak paddle. Every so often I'd hit the button on the trolling motor to right us while she continued to find every aquatic flower possible. As she commanded the Ambush, I continued to search for the bass in hopes to excite her about the day. Shortly thereafter, I scored a two pound largemouth bass and nearly landed two others. Fishing from a seating position in a hybrid canoe/kayak isn't quite the same as standing and trolling for fish. My guess is that I got too much slack in the line once the bass were on, both misses shook the hook as they went airbound.

Just before noontime, my beauty informed me that she was ready to hit the landing. As we motored in, more flowers found their way into the hold and I discovered the time together had very little to do about fishing but rather a few precious hours with the first born love of my life. I look forward to more times with both of my beauties. So next up, a trip with my youngest.
Take Care,
The Downeast Duck Hunter