The only aspect hindering my complete happiness was my new outboard motor which would perform with great superiority just above trolling speed or at 33 mph, and I wasn't here to win a drag race. Anything at idle or just above idle yielded problems and my troubleshooting brought futile results. But still I managed to steer the course, figuratively and literally speaking, and moored the vessel in a most scenic cove in the lee of the increasing wind that put a foot down on our efforts.
As I brewed up some coffee and canned soup, a discussion ensued that gave more clarity to the previous several hours that only two-way radios were abled to sparingly follow. Steve began the most excellent rendition of how Matty lost the big one and his entire rod and reel to boot. They spoke of this monstrosity of a salmon, but I'm inclined to believe they had caught bottom. But I humored the heated story as Matty continued to percolate much like the java that neared consumptive readiness. Then, without one moment to think, Steve turned quickly to his phone which has more features than a Swiss Army Knife. From the depths of his ITunes account arose some "Dirty" which took over Rabid's body like no other in a true fit of possession. The moves which I documented say it all...
Unfortunately, I'd like to continue my saga but the little beauties have requested the laptop so that they may get their morning fix at so until next time take care...
The Downeast Duck Hunter