Rabid Outdoorsman and I are the best of friends who now find ourselves in a world three hours apart. It would be obvious to suggest that our brotherhood only consists of multiple day jaunts in the Maine wilderness, but in a striking odd sense this distance has immensely enhanced our friendship in two significant ways. The first being that we really discover that the quality of our conversations develop into a level of heightened understanding which continues to foster a stronger bond. And secondly, our proximity in the state forces us to plan these seriously awesome voyages of great magnitude and meaning. Through these two elements, I have been able to participate in new endeavors and claim opportunities of pursuit that may have never been realized. For that, I'm thankful...
Our newest adventure put us upon one of the premier cold water fishing waters of our great state, West Grand Lake. This behemoth gem in northeastern Washington county holds a great population of landlocked salmon and lake trout. To heighten this opportunity, we were able to connect with a family member who is in charge of an immensely impressive sporting compound situated at the eastern point of this pristine lake. With effective planning and preparation, we descended upon Grand Lake Stream last week with the hopes of making one trip to remember...

Friday morning began at daylight with a hasty launch of two boats and a cautious headway to our setting point. Armed with lead core line, streamers, and flashers, the presentations were let out several hundred feet and the trolling speed was set around two miles per hour. Within one hour, I brought in my first salmon at 17 inches connected to a set up left behind by my father-in-law who unfortunately is no longer with me. This first score became far more important as I thought about how he would be with me for this catch, but then I realized that he was in fact participating and smiling at my early success...

We continued to work the eastern shore, the Bear Claw, towards one of favorite ice fishing spots, Hardwood Island. My partners, Matt Diesel and Rabid lead the way about 100 yards in front and continued the success as they scored several more salmon with a planer board which drew their presentation next to shore. Maintaining contact with two-way radios, we updated each other throughout the early morning and chose to continue northward to Whitney Cove, a spot that is renown and elusive at it sits in the extreme north end of West Grand Lake...

Before we made it to Whitney Cove, I managed another small salmon that ran about 15 inches after unsnarling one serious mess. As one line was reeled in, another managed to find way into the scene. In order to clear everything, all lines were cut and the salmon was brought in by hand similar to ice fishing with my ice traps....
The trek northward would land several nice lake trout for the boys and at that point I chose to enable my own downrigger. Lunch was fast approaching and all seemed well...

Stay tuned for my next installment next week...
The Downeast Duck Hunter