Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ice fishing???

With temperatures in the mid-60's last weekend, I honestly thought spring had sprung. But as this week progressed, the weather transgressed into something like December. Snow, sleet, and ice along with a cold front found way down east to officially slap the executive order signed by our governor which brought open water fishing one week earlier. On any account, Matt Diesel and I made plans to hit Tunk Lake which lay exactly halfway between our abodes. This lake is rumored to hold the next state record togue and holds a decent amount of landlocked salmon. Tucked in the mountains between Ellsworth and Cherryfield, Tunk is one of the deepest lakes in the state of Maine.

Here is the state lake survey map and information on Tunk Lake

It was cold, damn cold this morning and even without wind, the chill quietly struck any exposed skin and the better part of the lake had skimmed over with ice as to say that no angler dare trespass these waters. So being the criminals we are, we launched Matt's Lund (he lost the coin flip and my boat remained home this time) and tried to follow the trail left by one lone boater who apparently was a little more eager and a whole lot more insane. After some early morning trolling and one salmon, we chose to fight an ice sheet that packed into the north end of the lake which also holds the landing.

The video below says it all, I apologize for the lack of quality. For some reason, the same movie I loaded onto my facebook page in HQ didn't pull off the same luster here. In addition, my wife made me weaken the noise from the ice breaking. So with those warnings, enjoy the show. Can't wait until next time!!!


  1. Nice video maker you got there. I've noticed a couple of folks out there making vids now.

    I have you updated on my blogroll, I've just been pretty busy, hoping to make the all the rounds quickly.

    Gotta feel good to get back out on the water, eh?

  2. I can't believe I hadn't seen this before. You guys are nuts!


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