Terry, Teake, and Savannah
Check out Terry's blog, The Women's Hunting Journal
After some aggravating, I managed to get Terry to cough up some more photos. The second part of this blog interview looks more into her world in the field and how it feels to be a positive influence on men and women. Enjoy!!!
As a huntress, share with my readers your most extreme hunt? Within that scope, what were the qualities and perspectives that made it to the top of your list
This would be the time that my friend Larry and I hauled a 10' Jon boat down a 1/4 mile long snow covered dike to the Klamath River. We then broke ice with my 8 lb. splitting maul and set out a few G & H floating goose decoys. There was to much snow for us to drive the boat to the river and yet the geese were pressured for open water. We gave them what they needed and in turn we had one hell of a hunt. I don't know how many more extreme hunts like that one I have left in me. I know I've got at least a few and I look forward to them. You can read the 3 part story titled Going The Distance .
Down the dike to the Klamath River
We all make impacts in different ways and forms, what impact has your writing and blog made that would not have happened if WHJ had never been created?
Blogging has had the unexpected result of connecting with waterfowlers such as yourself who live several thousand miles away. I am no longer isolated to my small circle of geography and friends. That circle has grown to an area larger than I ever thought possible. The best part is being able to have conversations with like-minded people who share the passion for ethical hunting.
Also through blogging I am able to continue to educate non-hunters regarding the contributions that hunters make to the preservation and conservation of wildlife and wild lands. Those contributions in the form of licenses, outfitter and guide fees as well as supporting organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, Rocky Mtn. Elk Foundation and the list goes on. Not to mention the efforts of volunteers working in conjunction with such organizations. Management of our natural resources is crucial for the continuation of hunting.
You are a role model, one for my daughters who see you in your blog. They get to see one of Daddy's friends and the pictures that go with it. My daughter asked me one day, “when I get bigger, can I hunt with you?” and “can my gun have flowers on it?”. How do I best introduce my daughters to hunting especially since it involves taking the life of an animal?
Well, I never really considered myself a "role model", I just try to teach by example and I love sharing my passion for the outdoors. I don't ever remember the issue arising regarding the taking of a life for table fare. I grew up when hunting was part of everyday life and the seasons came full circle. Beef I knew came from cows and there weren't the extremists regarding animal rights and the "do-gooders" back then. There was no negativity associated with hunting when I was young. We are now in need of promoting ourselves as ethical hunters due to the few bad apples that seem to get the most attention. Again I feel strongly about knowing why it is you hunt and to do so in a responsible, ethical way. Both for the hunter as well as the hunted. No one wants an animal to suffer, especially those of us who hunt.

Klamath River sunrise 11/29/08
Before you go, tell me about your first duck or big game. What sticks out most about that first shot?
This was back in Dec. 2002 when my friend Jeff gave me an LOP (land owner preference) tag at the ranch he works on. It was a damage control hunt for a Mule Deer doe. I remember the temperature being in the single digits with a cold north wind. We set out early that morning looking for does hiding in the rim rock protected from the winds. After a couple hours of driving and glassing we got to a spot Jeff was confident that we'd find a doe or two. We bundled up, started hiking, and dropped over the rim rock to get out of the wind. The sky was a low overcast and threatening snow. The landscape was dotted with sparse Junipers and Sage brush. This being my first deer hunt I was excited and a bit nervous, not knowing how I might be affected should I succeed. I have never shot a mammal, but after all the years and years of countless stories I've heard, I was now ready to find out first hand what this was about.
Jeff was leading and the wind was blowing so strong that it was making my eyes water and I was having a hard time seeing. I tilted my head and lowered the brim of my hat to help block the wind and just then Jeff stopped suddenly. I froze in my tracks and instantly my heart started beating faster. Jeff was pointing to a bedded doe on the leeward side of the hill, laying just under a rock outcropping. I tried to see her but was having no luck. Eventually I saw her and Jeff suggested I use a Juniper stub for a gun rest. I moved uphill about 15 feet and rested my gun in the crook of an old burnt Juniper. Jeff said that whenever I was ready to take the shot. I asked "just where do I aim"? He said "below the ear at the base of the head". "O.k." I said and before I knew it I had squeezed the trigger and the does head dropped to the ground. I was flushed with adrenaline and my ears were ringing from the shot. I peered over the top of my scope and Jeff said "good job, you go check her and I'll keep her in my binoculars in case she gets up". Well Jeff knew she was dead and not going anywhere. I chambered another round in my .270 and started walking towards her. My feet were frozen yet the rest of me was warm and my heart was pounding in my ears. As I got close I could see her juggler vein still pulsing. Well that was all it took and the tears started. My emotions had surfaced and was overcome as Jeff congratulated me. He asked me if I was alright and I said yes as I was laughing and crying at the same time. I was pleased to have made a good shot and that the doe did not suffer. Yet the gravity of my success was beyond my expectations in all areas. It is humbling to end a life. Words fall short of the experience for me. I am thankful to be affected and if the day were to come that I am not, then I will again reassess my reasons for being in the field.

Terry's first mule deer...
Outstanding interview Terry & DEDH! I enjoyed reading it.