The Downeast Duck Hunter at Dawn
It looks like the sea duck season for Maine is going to start October 1st, 2008 and run to January 31st, 2009...
That brings me to a reasonable assumption, the season is less than two months away and I couldn't be more excited...
But there will be some changes for the upcoming year and I'm curious to see how I will fare in navigating unchartered waters. Here they are...
- I've rigged up a tiny boat that used to be a sailboat, somebody told me they are called prams... whatever, I made a two inch keel for stability, fiberglassed it, and painted it camo... I intend to try wood ducks and teal, both are in my "I'd like to hunt those" list...
- For the above option, I also bought some wood duck decoys so I now have to scout streams and ponds while researching this ball game... sea ducks I'm a pro & wood ducks I'm a rookie...
- I'm going to try opening day for the first time on fresh water with Rabid, the Maine Outdoorsman... He's my wingman on the ocean, but I'll be his in central Maine... I hope Dr. Aflac gives me a note from work...
- I intend to take a kid out on junior hunt day to promote our sport... There's not enough of us representing our world in good fashion and this will be an opportunity for me to show an aspiring sportsman and his father how we practice our craft of sea ducking...
- Like the Maine Outdoorsman, I want to continue improving with my writing and see if I can get published with some of the eider hunting I do whether it be preparation, execution, or reflection of what I do well... I have submitted an article to DHC (Duck Hunting Chat) and hope to see it in a future online issue...
Downeast Duck Hunter
Can't wait for the opener! Scouted out a secluded spot over the weekend loaded with woodies . . . ummm can taste smoked duck already!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the opportunity and we'll see how the blog entries will fare, my perspective and pictures against your angle and visual wonder... that will make for an interesting experience...
ReplyDeleteSeason doesn't open here until November 18 but that's fine it will still be 80 degrees out with no ducks.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be lucky to hit 80 degrees eight times this summer downeast, how long is your duck season??? Currently, it is 59.2 degrees here on the coast and some places in Northern Maine are forecasted to be in the low 40's...
ReplyDeletewe have an early goose and teal season but no1 hunts it.the real season starts nov,18 and goes through mid january with a break the first week of december.I should be off the tug for the opening and closing of the season so I can work with that.