Thursday, September 22, 2011

'Tis this the season that Duckman's jolly...

Duck season for the Downeast Duck Hunter opens October 1st.  If you have issue with my good work, please feel free to call someone who cares...

The 4th annual Duckpower Freshwater Opener in central Maine is still a go with a few reductions in terms of participants and time, but nevertheless we intend to shake things up.  The following weekend will be a two day sea duck extravaganza if everything falls into agreement...

If it flies, it dies... Trey Luckie where are you?

Have a good day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I found gasoline, without corn...

Ever since Maine gas pumps started putting ethanol into the gasoline I've had nothing but trouble with my small motors, particularly my marine outboards.  It flat out has become a safety issue that has hindered my confidence in the motor and added a degree of worriment to many a hunt.  So I decided it was time to do some research.

Apparently, there are places in Maine where you can buy gasoline without ethanol.  So I'm putting my logic to the test and will be purchasing over 20 gallons of straight gasoline (91 Octane) at around $5 a gallon.  Compared to the bullshit I've been dealing with in terms of additives, running the motor dry, emptying gas tanks, and stress of motor problems, I'll pay the price and drive almost three hours to get it.  We'll see how it works out, but the choice for me as an outdoorsman is ethanol free.

Straight gasoline should be offered at any fueling station, it just might scare you how many people would pay the extra price for the OPTION.

I'll be acquiring my fuel at the Dexter Regional Airport which has been confirmed by a good friend as an easy access 24 hour pay at the pump facility.  They use it for air traffic and I'll be using it for maritime travel.  One of my neighbors who summers from Massachusetts said the ethanol blend was evil crap, and now we are paying the consequences.

I even found a forum of Toyota Prius owners complaining how the ethanol blend was ruining their mileage.  Click Here

For a link to the article that has brought about this post please click here.

Have a great day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Royal Blue Lobster

It's funny how rare these colored lobsters are, but just several weeks after my father caught a bright blue lobster I was working on another boat that brought in this dark blue lobster.  Although not as vividly contrasted, this lobster certainly stood out against the crowd.

My lobstering season is winding down quickly, but I look forward to the 2011-2012 hunting & fishing season with a bear hunt slated for this weekend in Northern Maine then the duck opener on October 1st. 

Enjoy the photos and have a great day,

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Celiac Disease and a Fantasy Football Draft...

The summer for the Duckman hasn't been a great one...

I lost my mother to cancer in mid-July and was given a positive diagnosis of Celiac Disease just a few weeks later.  Both events have certainly set me back in life, but I choose to move forward.  In the midst of all the angst, my wife has certainly stepped up to the plate and proven why I needed her to be my companion in life...

At this point you may have a couple of questions...

Celiac Disease is a lifelong inherited autoimmune condition affecting roughly one in 133 people. When people with Celiac Disease eat foods with gluten (a protein found in all forms of wheat), it causes an immune-mediated toxic reaction that damages the small intestine and prohibits food to be properly absorbed.  In a nutshell, anything with wheat that I was eating essentially was forcing my immune system to run on overdrive.  And that wasn't good...

I won't go into detail about the extent of my symptoms or actually how terribly sick I became, but I do thank God for finally relenting to what I thought was anxiety of my mom's terrible fight.  So now I am on a strict gluten free diet to scale back my illness and begin life under a new direction.  Never again can I eat a care free diet, but if done properly never again will I endure the strife caused by the disease.  This can be readily defeated by diet...

To turn the page quickly, I accepted an offer to participate in a fantasy football league.  So here's the deal...
1) I did not watch one football game last year
2) I really don't know many NFL players
3) Before you hate on me, I never grew up with football

So here's my draft results and after some preliminary and post-draft research, I'm quite pleased with my team.  I'll be sure to post my progress with Celiac Disease & Fantasy Football along with the anticipation of the new hunting season...

I've already dumped Dan Carpenter and the Raiders after my best man lectured me on my novice drafting skills.  So I've added with his recommendation Ronnie Brown, Phi RB and Antonio Brown, Pit WR with a double top secret dude on my watchlist.

Take Care,

The Downeast Duck Hunter

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